Arapahoe House

Colorado Drug & Alcohol Rehab | Metro Denver

Get Addiction Help (888) 804-0917

With 11 locations and 20 quality services for adults, teens and families, Arapahoe House is the largest and leading provider of substance use disorder treatment in Colorado. The nonprofit’s three year plan (2014, 2015, 2016) outlines the strategic priorities for the organization to become a high impact specialty healthcare provider.

An overview of our strategic direction:

strategic plan


Our code of ethics are the values that guide us in following our mission. They are all part of our organization’s plan. All of our staff are required to read and understand this code when they are hired and every year they work with us. This code is available to the public and all those we work with, including our patients, their families, and the community to make sure they know the values to which we hold our organization. Our code is meant to provide an overview and background for the way we work. We know that this code cannot include all of the complexities of behavioral health treatment. Arapahoe House has a complete set of policies and procedures to help support this code.


Patient Experience


Our patients and their families are the most important piece of our mission. We work to provide compassionate, effective and accessible behavioral health treatment. To do so, we promise to:

  • Respect the personal property of our patients and other patrons at all times.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest, both real and perceived.
  • Abide by the NAADAC, Association for Addiction Professionals, and code of ethics for clinical staff.
  • Never accept or exchange gifts, money or other gratuities. Small tokens of appreciation (such as cookies, flowers, etc.) from patients may be shared among the staff and clients for all to enjoy.
  • Never discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, disability or national origin. At all times, we will strive to end and prevent discrimination in all forms in all of our work.
  • Never use our services, facilities or any Arapahoe House asset to conduct any type of personal fundraising.
  • Be courteous, service-oriented, knowledgeable, and professional in our interactions with the community.
  • Provide only treatment that is evidence-based or identified as a promising practice.
  • Ensure all of our services are trauma-informed and offer trauma-specific treatment when appropriate.


Meet Community Needs


We are committed to supporting the communities where we work and we recognize our role in encouraging community growth. To do so, we promise to:

  • Provide the highest quality customer service to community members interested in our services
  • Communicate to community members our outcomes.
  • When appropriate, seek the input of community members in the development of our services and improvement of our facilities.


Employee Experience


Our employees are at the heart of our work. Having professional, dedicated, well-trained staff is how we effectively serve our clients and fulfill our mission.  To do so, we promise to:

  • Never discriminate against any person seeking employment based on race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, disability or national origin. At all times, we will strive to end and prevent discrimination in all forms in all of our work.
  • Provide a safe, secure, drug and tobacco-free workplace with the resources to complete one’s job.
  • Treat our facilities and assets with care and respect.
  • Ensure staff have the necessary training to be effective and all staff credentials are obtained and maintained appropriately.
  • Train all staff when they are hired and every year after that in our code of ethics.
  • Make sure that no staff receives retaliation or any negative consequences as a result of bringing fraud, waste, abuse or other wrongdoing to the attention of the organization’s leadership. Complaints will be investigated quickly and thoroughly.
  • Hold client confidentiality in the utmost importance and comply at all times with local, state and federal confidentiality protections.


Effective Communication


Arapahoe House is committed to providing information about our services, programs and work that is clear and comprehensive. To do so, we promise to:

  • Ensure that all information given to our clients, staff, the board, and stakeholders is clear, accurate, and timely.
  • Ensure that all communications are respectful of the experiences of our clients, staff, and stakeholders, and mindful of the diversity of the people we serve.
  • Make certain, that all communications meet the applicable laws and guidelines to protect the privacy of our staff and clients. Information will only be disclosed with expressed and written permission.
  • Correct inaccurate information as quickly as possible.


Strong Foundation


Arapahoe House has a commitment to its employees, clients and stakeholders to conduct business ethically and legally with honesty and integrity.  This will give our organization a solid foundation for continued growth.  To do so, we promise to:

  • At all times, treat our staff, clients and all stakeholders with dignity and respect.
  • Know, understand, and comply with laws, regulations and codes of conduct governing the operations of our business and services.
  • Maintain documents that are accurate and accessible. Coding, billing and all financial transactions will be accurate and complete. At no time will documents be knowingly altered or withheld if part of an official, lawful investigation or proceeding.
  • Ensure document destruction is done in compliance with Arapahoe House policies and procedures.
  • Witness no personal documents except for consents for treatment.
  • Protect to the highest degree the confidentiality of all people served and information that belongs to Arapahoe House including electronic and paper documents.
  • Use restricted funds for their intended purpose. All funds will be accounted for.
  • Review financial statements on a regular basis with the executive leadership and the board to ensure the financial health of the organization.
  • Ensure internal financial controls are in place for accurate accounting and compliance with all applicable laws.
  • Engage in an annual audit to be conducted by an independent accounting firm which will be completed in accordance with standardized accounting practices and procedures.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest, both real and perceived. All staff, board members, volunteers, and interns will comply with the Arapahoe House conflict of interest policy.
  • Uphold and fulfill all contractual obligations and responsibilities.


Quality Focused


To ensure Arapahoe House is able to fulfill its mission and core value of providing quality services, we will continually work to improve all aspects of our services. This occurs through formal quality assurance projects as well as through the actions of our staff. To do so, we promise to:

  • Support a culture where continuous quality improvement is valued and all staff have the opportunity to participate.
  • Support a culture where critical thought and inquiry is valued and all staff have the opportunity to participate.
  • Seek out ideas, feedback and guidance from a variety of sources, including our clients, when making difficult decisions that may impact our services.
  • Whenever possible, contribute to the broader field of behavioral health.


Procedures to Deal with Allegations of Code Violations:


In following with the organization’s corporate compliance program, staff are encouraged to speak to their supervisors or program managers about violation of the code of ethics. Staff may also contact representatives of the organization’s human resource department if the allegation involves a direct supervisor. Staff may also report allegations using the Arapahoe House Corporate Compliance hotline at 303-412-3940 or via email at [email protected], although email communications may not be anonymous. All investigations will be conducted by the appropriate executive manager and overseen by the president and CEO.


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