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Arapahoe House

Colorado Drug & Alcohol Rehab | Metro Denver

Drugs and Alcohol Fact Sheets

Please click on the links below for the most current Arapahoe House Fact Sheets on drugs and alcohol:


Substance Abuse and Healthcare

Did you know:

–Substance use is a key contributor to the national problem of escalating health care costs.

–Medical services and related costs are eight times higher for individuals with untreated substance use disorders than for those without the disease.

–According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), individuals who suffer from addiction often have one or more accompanying medical issues, which may include lung or cardiovascular
disease, stroke, cancer, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B and C.


Arapahoe House is your resource for drug and alcohol facts.Marijuana fact sheet

Research into the effects of long-term cannabis use on the structure of the brain has yielded inconsistent results.

Adolescent marijuana use increases the odds of other illicit substance use two to three times by young adulthood.

At Arapahoe House, marijuana is the number one drug of use for adolescent clients, the number two drug of use for adult clients (the number one is alcohol).



The value of substance abuse recovery programs to the business community

Did you know:

–Close to 80 percent of people with drug or alcohol problems are employed.

–Healthcare expenses double for employees with alcohol problems.

–Alcoholism costs 500 million lost workdays annually.

–The prevention of a single case of adult alcohol abuse produces an average savings of $119,633 in avoided costs to society.



Pregnancy and Addiction

Did you know:

–In Colorado, approximately seven percent of females in drug and alcohol treatment are pregnant, compared to one percent nationwide.

–In Colorado, the number of pregnant women in need of substance abuse treatment was estimated to be between 1,962 and 5,103.

–Approximately 32 percent of women who use illicit drugs during pregnancy also use alcohol and cigarettes. Using this data, it has been suggested that an estimated one million children each year are exposed to legal or illegal substances during gestation.





Please contact the communications manager with any questions about our drug and alcohol fact sheets: [email protected]

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