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Arapahoe House

Colorado Drug & Alcohol Rehab | Metro Denver

D/deaf and Hard of Hearing Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Arapahoe House is the largest provider of D/deaf and hard of hearing services in Colorado and is proud to offer the following linguistically appropriate substance use disorder treatment services.


Smartphone Technology Treatment ‑ FREE*
D/deaf and hard of hearing clients may qualify to receive Smartphones and monthly data plans at no cost through the Continuous Access Network Project at Arapahoe House. Smartphone users will have communication with Arapahoe House counselors and access to support services that include:

  • Accessibility to email and text with counselor 24/7 as well as peers
  • GPS alerts to clients, providers and loved ones when the person in recovery is near a location that poses a significant risk for relapse
  • Appointment reminders
  • Social support via discussion groups
  • Connections to locally available resources that are culturally and linguistically appropriate.

*for qualified clients, limited availability


Intensive Residential Treatment
Overview: Arapahoe House intensive residential treatment services offer a flexible length of stay and individualized care. Its purpose is to provide 24 hour / 7 day a week treatment to individuals whose substance use and / or co‑occurring mental health disorder has resulted in disruption of their emotional, mental, physical or socioeconomic functioning. Its focus is on stabilization and preparing for ongoing treatment in a lower level of care, such as outpatient services.


Services include: Individual, group and family therapy, recovery planning, recreational activities, educational groups, positive social support, 12‑step meetings, and case management. Family services include a weekly education program for families and the possibility for individual family therapy sessions.


Outpatient Services
Overview: Arapahoe House offers a variety of outpatient services that range in intensity and frequency depending on the needs of the client. Compared to intensive residential treatment, clients who are assessed at a level of outpatient care are able to live at home and continue work or school. Services are adapted to meet the needs of the individual client and include individual, group, and family therapy.


Areas of focus in group therapy may include: knowledge about addiction and the effects of substances on the mind and body, relapse prevention, education and treatment with family members, grief group and skills building. Arapahoe House also offers a variety of therapies for clients needing an enhancement to their group therapy experience and for those who prefer a more private setting.


DUI Classes
Arapahoe House offers DUI education and therapy for drug or alcohol‑related driving citations. Our six outpatient clinics are located in and around metro Denver for ease and convenience.


Level I DUI Education [Total Hours: 12]
Level I Education is for first time DUI offenders who have a low blood alcohol level at the time of their offense, < .08 and no other indicators of a substance use illness.


Level II DUI Education [Total Hours: 24]
Level II Education is designed for both first time offenders with a blood alcohol level >.08 and for those with multiple DUI Offenses.


Level II DUI Therapy [Total Hours: Varies]
Level II Therapy is offered in a group setting and is designed to empower clients to address their drug and/or alcohol abuse, DUI citation and other life stressors.



Contact us:

Video Phone: 720.235.0946
TTY: 303.412.3636
Voice: Information and Access Team 303.657.3700 or e‑mail: [email protected]


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