I picked up right where I left off with my drinking and it’s amazing how quickly I fell. After a period of long-term sobriety, I became depressed and relapsed. I felt like I had lost my soul and my dignity. I was mad at the addict within. I didn’t want to lose myself again, but I was.
One of the reasons I didn’t reach out for help was because I was a single mom. I didn’t know how I was going to make ends meet, and even more importantly, I didn’t know how I could be away from my children.
I didn’t know a program existed that allowed mothers to have children in treatment with them, until I found New Directions for Families at Arapahoe House.
I spent five months in treatment at New Directions. It was a safe, comfortable, secure environment that helped me become the woman I was meant to be. Going through the same thing with other mothers in my position was incredibly empowering. We worked together on healing from the things that drove us to use alcohol and drugs and worked as a community to take care of our children.
I had to dig deep down into my soul to figure out how to move forward and not fall again. If I hadn’t come to New Directions I think it’s fair to say I wouldn’t have been as successful in my recovery. They helped me fill the hole in my soul. I understand how addiction works now. People don’t understand that for thousands of us with this disease we can’t just stop. Of course we want to, we desperately want to, especially as parents, but we can’t without help.
New Directions was like home. The staff were so caring and supportive to both my daughter and me. Having my child with me in treatment was huge. The program lifted me up, gave me strength and hope. If you are willing to be open, they will take your hand a guide you to a new life. It’s the best program out there for women.
Arapahoe House provided a lot of resources after my graduation from New Directions. They helped connect me with a 12-step group for ongoing support and a sober softball league that I really enjoy. Their door is always open to say hello.
As addicts and alcoholics we do a lot of destructive things and it takes a while to get life back on track. There is peace and serenity in my life today. Drinking robbed me of choice, and now I feel like I have freedom.